
正如 引言,中所说,约拿书在十二小先知书里是个“异类” 。书中所讲的故事不是发生在以色列。文中也没有时间线索。该书没有先知的神谕,焦点也不是先知服侍的群体,而是先知本人的亲身经历。[1] 尽管如此,它分享了其他先知的观点,表明上帝活跃于世界之中(拿1:2,1:17 ; 2:10),并且对上帝的信心(或不信)构成一个三重链接:敬拜、社会经济健康以及环境。当船员向耶和华祷告,遵守祂的吩咐,海就平静了,而上帝保守船员和约拿的安康(拿1:14-17)。当约拿回归到合宜的敬拜之中,上帝就让环境恢复到原来合宜的秩序里面:大鱼在海中,人在干地(拿2:7-10)。当尼尼微人回转归向上帝,动物和人类和谐地相处,社会经济的扰乱也止息了(拿3:4-10)。 约拿的处境和其他十二位先知不同,但他的神学却不是。约拿书的独特贡献是:1)关注先知的呼召和回应;2)承认上帝不是透过祝福以色列来攻击其他国家,而是透过以色列来祝福其他国家。[2]
Douglas Stuart, vol. 31, Word Biblical Commentary: Hosea-Jonah (Dallas: Word, Inc., 2002), 431.
Stuart, Hosea-Jonah, 434.
回到目录 回到目录和十二小先知书一样,约拿书以上帝对先知的呼召开篇(拿1:1-2)。但是,和其他书卷不一样的是,约拿抗拒上帝的呼召。他愚蠢地试图躲避上帝的面,乘船到外国的海岸(拿1:3)。这样做不仅仅给他自己,也给同船的人带来了危害,因为正如我们在十二小先知书中所看到的,不守上帝的约带来真实可见的后果,而个人的行动总是会影响众人的。上帝差来了狂风暴雨。首先,狂风暴雨毁坏了水手们的商业前途,因为他们被迫丢弃了所有的货物,以便让船身更轻省(拿1:5)。接下来,狂风暴雨威胁到他们的生命(拿1:11)。只有当约拿提出要把他投入海中——海员们不情愿地接受了——才最终平息了风浪,消除了对众人的危险(拿1:12-15)。
回到目录 回到目录Jonah disobeyed God's call because he refused to accept God's offer to bless Israel's enemy nation, Assyria, and its capital, Nineveh. When he finally relented and succeeded in his mission, he resented God's mercy toward them (Jonah 4:1-2). This is understandable, since Assyria was about to capture the northern kingdom of Israel (2 Kings 17:6). Jonah was sent to bless those he despised. However, this is God's will. It is clear that God intended to use the people of Israel to bless the nations, not just themselves (see, "Blessing the Nations (Jeremiah 29)" , "Jeremiah and Lamentations and Works" ).
Is it possible for each of us to try to place our own limitations within the blessings that God extends through our work? We often think that we must accumulate the benefits of our work for ourselves so that others will not take advantage of us. We may resort to secrecy, deceit, deception, shortcuts, exploitation, and intimidation to outperform our opponents at work. We seem to accept the unproven assumption that our success at work must be based on the expense of others. Do we believe that success is an either-or, zero-sum game?
God’s blessing is not a bucket with a limited capacity, but an overflowing fountain. “Try if I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing for you, so that there will be no place to contain it” (Malachi 3:10). Although we often face competition, resource constraints, and the ill will of others at work, God’s mission for us is not just to survive all the odds, but to dramatically transform our workplaces and enable creativity. and productivity, building harmonious relationships in society, and maintaining environmental balance—this is God’s will from the beginning.
Although Jonah initially refused to participate in God's blessings to an enemy nation, in the end his faith in God outweighed his disobedience. Finally, he did warn Nineveh, and they eagerly responded to his message amid Jonah's consternation. Throughout the city, “everyone, great and small” (Jonah 3:5b), from the king to his subjects, from the people on the streets to the animals in the flock, “everyone turned back from his evil ways and threw away the violence in his hands. ” (Jonah 3:8). “The people of Nineveh believed in God” (Jonah 3:5b), and “God looked at their deeds and saw that they turned from their evil ways, and he repented and did not bring on them the calamity he had spoken of” (Jonah 3:10). This frustrated Jonah because he wanted to continue to declare the consequences of the work God had called him to do. He wanted the Ninevites to be punished, not forgiven. He judges the results of his own work harshly (Jonah 4:5) and misses the joy of others. Do we do the same thing? When we lament the seeming lack of meaning and success in our work, do we forget that only God can see the true value of our work?
Even Jonah’s small, hesitant moment of obedience to God brought blessings to those around him. On the boat, he affirmed, "I fear the Lord, the God of heaven" (Jonah 1:9), and sacrificed himself for his companions on the boat. Therefore, they were saved from the storm and became followers of God. “Then they feared the LORD greatly, and they offered sacrifices to the LORD and made vows” (Jonah 1:16).
Jonah’s experience may be an encouragement to us if we recognize that our work in serving God can be hindered by disobedience, dissatisfaction, disengagement, fear, selfishness, or other evils of the heart. Here is a prophet who failed even more than we do in faithful service. Yet, through Jonah’s hesitant, flawed, and intermittent ministry, God fulfilled His mission to the fullest. By the power of God, our poor service can accomplish all that God desires.
回到目录 回到目录根据约拿的经历,我们可能会害怕上帝的呼召会带领我们进入灾祸和困境中。希望上帝完全不呼召我们,是不是会更容易一点呢?回应上帝的呼召可能要求巨大的牺牲和代价,这是真的。[1] 然而,在约拿的例子中,困境并不是来自于上帝的呼召,而是来自约拿对呼召的不顺服。船难和在海洋大鱼肚子里面被埋的三天,直接来自于他试图逃避上帝的面。他后来所受的太阳和热风,还有他几乎想自杀的绝望(拿4:3-8)都不是上帝所施加的困境。困境的到来是因为约拿拒绝接受来自“有恩典、有怜悯的上帝“的祝福,他“不轻易发怒,有丰盛的慈爱,并且后悔不降所说的灾”(拿4:2)。
A classic exploration of this topic is Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship (New York: Macmillan, 1966), originally published in 1937.